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Jesus for everyone

At Emmanuel Church we believe in Jesus. Our faith is rooted in who Jesus is and what he did and said, rather than a certain view on life or a code of behaviour.

Jesus is central to our understanding of being human and living life in the 21st century. So naturally we want to help people see the real Jesus. The main way we do this is through our Sunday meeting and a course called ‘Alpha’.

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Throughout history Jesus Christ has been someone who always caused controversy. Some love him and some hate him. If you consider his claims and actions it's impossible to remain indifferent about him. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection have become arguably the most significant events in history.

Amazingly a refugee who became a roving teacher and miracle worker from a small insignificant town in the Middle East has radically changed the course of World history.

To his followers Jesus is the greatest source of love and hope. He has changed their lives and they now claim to know God personally. Ask someone from Emmanuel what knowing Jesus means to them.


We are a church where everyone can feel welcome and accepted whatever their background or story - a place to call home.

Why not join us on a Sunday?

We meet every Sunday at The Table in Cathays at 10:30am. It would be great to see you there!

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Sunday Live Stream

Our Story

Emmanuel church began in September 2017 in Simon and Kate Walker’s home with just a handful of people. The Walkers have been involved in leading churches within the Newfrontiers network of churches for over 20 years. Sensing a fresh challenge, they moved to Cardiff from Bristol to start a new church...